Each issue of Heart includes an Education in Heart article, which is a review by one or more international experts with accompanying accredited online multiple choice questions (MCQs) hosted on BMJ Learning. All Education in Heart articles are linked to topics in the ESC curriculum.
- See the most recently published Education in Heart article
- Browse Education in Heart articles in chronological order
Education in Heart articles are accredited for CME by various providers. To answer the accompanying multiple choice questions (MCQs) and obtain your credits, click on the 'Take the Test' link on the online version of the article:
The MCQs are hosted on BMJ Learning. All users must complete a one-time registration on BMJ Learning and subsequently log in on every visit using their username and password to access modules and their CME record. Accreditation is only valid for 2 years from the date of publication. Printable CME certificates are available to users that achieve the minimum pass mark.

Personal subscribers to Heart
Personal subscribers to Heart have access to journal-related modules from Heart on BMJ Learning. Personal subscribers should initially login to Heart before navigating to Education in Heart [Heart login] to enable full access rights.
Use the 'Take the Test' link from the Education in Heart article to access the MCQs.
Institutional subscribers to Heart
Institutional subscribers have access to the Education in Heart MCQs on BMJ Learning. Athens users can authenticate with Athens and will be recognised as an institutional customer.
Use the 'Take the Test' link from the Education in Heart article to access the MCQs.